Looking for a consistant egg layer, what kind of chicken do I want?

Why stick with just one. What you need is a dozen....yeah...that should be about right.
golden comets forever,my golden comets started laying at 20 weeks,they are very gentle and so easy to work with,and its very unusual to not get 12 eggs everyday from the comets,I have had mine since january and so far I have had one to go broody but about four days in a wire bottom cage cured that problem,I don,t have a rooster so no use in letting her set,she was back to laying regular in about one week,mine crowd up around me whenever i go into the coop to gather eggs,I give them a bit of scratch as a reward,I have to gently push them aside with my foot so I can get the door open,and they lay beutiful brown eggs
I have 22 Leghorns and have 5 - 6 broody chickens. I am letting 4 of them sit eggs, they hiss and puff up at me when I try to get them out of their boxes. I take them out once a day, they eat, drink, mess and go back to the eggs. It was cute until they all seem to want babies. I used to average 18-20 eggs and dropped now to 9 a day.
I thought they weren't supposed to be broody and that's why I picked them. I bought some chicks though and I don't know if their singing and chirps made the hens broody. does anyone know?
sex-links, comets, stars, whatever you want to call them. I have 6, 8 week old girls and they are very sweet and I hear they will be egg laying machines.
We have red sex link and black sex link they lay everyday and out of 50 only 8 are broody.... so that's pretty darn good. They are sweet girls and reliable. We get about 42 eggs a day!!!!

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