Looking for a good Pickling recipe


8 Years
Jul 14, 2011
Engadine, MI
I want to use up all my Banty eggs I have sitting in the fridge. I don't care for Pickled eggs but a lot of my friends and family do so I thought I would make some for them. Now I just need a good recipe! Any help out there?
Red-beet pickled eggs

In a gallon size glass jar, mix together....

1 or 2 cans of whole, small beets (or cut up ones), pour in the juice too
1 cup of apple cider vinegar, more if you really like them on the sour side
1/2 cup of granulated sugar
10 whole cloves, optional
1 bay leaf, optional
1 dozen hard boiled and shelled eggs (or less)

Let these pickle for at least 48 hours before eating. They will have a nice dark purple/reddish color because of the beets and a just right pickled flavor.

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