Looking for a Manure tray for under roost ?


8 Years
Nov 16, 2011
Eastern NY
Hi, I need the dimesions to be about 71" by 19 " I was thinking about getting boot trays, if I got three of them and trimmed one done a few inches it should fit.

Is this a good idea? could I just lay them on the floor under the roost?
I use boot trays in all my coops...easily trimmed w/pair of wire snips (only thing is if you trip you loose the lip to keep material in so I trimmed and then hot glued (from the bottom) the edge back on :)
Boot trays are GREAT! I use them in my coop....makes it so much easier to clean the poop out....I dump the poop in my "to be" garden spot, then hose the trays off and replace them in the coop. Best idea for poop coop!!!!
Do you put wood shavings or anything on them or do you just leave them as is and hose them off every few days?

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