Looking for Australorps in FL


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 19, 2013
Hi everyone! I'm starting my flock and I need some birds to do so! I'm looking for Australorp hens but I would prefer them to be as young as possible. NO ROOSTERS!!!!!! I just want hens and the younger the better. I'm in northern FL and I am looking for a good reputable breeder to buy from. If you have any info on where I should look it would be greatly appreciated.
Do you think you're going to show?

If you're looking for just the classic, ultra productive Australorp, then I recommend:


They are in Bell and can supply eggs, chicks, pullets or hens if available. You also have a selection.

They are not bred for show, but production. They do produce great!
Do you think you're going to show?

If you're looking for just the classic, ultra productive Australorp, then I recommend:


They are in Bell and can supply eggs, chicks, pullets or hens if available. You also have a selection.

They are not bred for show, but production. They do produce great!

That might just be perfect! I'm definitely not looking to show them, just to let them make me breakfast :)

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