looking for breeders in Northern California


9 Years
May 30, 2010
Northern California

We are about finished with our coop, well, about another month or so. We are looking to buy about 6 hens and want a variety to choose from. Anyone know of where they have a good selection that we can get some nice layers from. We have a small son and are going to have more kids so we want breeds that are very friendly so our kids don't get nipped at.

what breeds are you looking to get? Hatcheries can be a real crapshoot, but the 4 hatchery girls I have are wonderful. I got them from the local feed store. Otherwise I know there are some breeders in NorCal here on BYC
Oh, good luck! You might check Craigslist, I know I've seen some listings from poultry breeders on there! I'm in northern California myself, but all I breed is seramas and occasionally OEGBs, and those definitely aren't layer breeds.
You didn't say exactly where you live, but if you are close to the Bay Area, you can try Woolly Egg Farm in Mill Valley. They always have a large selection of pullets/hens to choose from.
My Delawares and Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas just reached POL and mating age, if the days don't get too short too quickly this year I may have a dozen or so eggs I could sell you for incubation. My birds are breeder stock, not from hatcheries.

I'll have chicks for sale next spring as well.
We live near Sacramento. I have family in the Bay Area that I visit regularly, so we are willing to drive about 2 hours in either way of Sac to find some good hens.
You can find most of these breeds from Bradshaw Feed store. They are located in Bradshaw and before Florin. They carry good collection of young chicks as wells feeders. I bought few pullets from them and I am satisfied with them.
im a four year poultry showman but, have had experience since i was five. i would not recommend sicilian buttercups, they are very flighty in my experiences. one of my friends in central california has them and theyre crazy. i raised brahmas for two years and they are super calm and docile. these are however my experiences, you may find this out for yourself.

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