Looking for Brooder Lamp Stand Ideas


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 21, 2014
I have one of the standard TSC brooder clamp lights and I just can't seem to think of a way to keep it fixed in a safe way. In my mind it would have to be adjustable too since you would need to raise it as you make the temps cooler. I could make a stand if anyone has any cheap ideas or even buy something if there is some sort of stand made for this (that doesn't cost much).
I have the clamp clamped onto a rope I that is tied over a cross rope. I improvised this "T" connection since there was nothing on the ceiling where I wanted it hung. I can raise or lower the lamp according to what heat I want.
If that isn't clear, ask me and I could get a photo of it.
I have one of the standard TSC brooder clamp lights and I just can't seem to think of a way to keep it fixed in a safe way. In my mind it would have to be adjustable too since you would need to raise it as you make the temps cooler. I could make a stand if anyone has any cheap ideas or even buy something if there is some sort of stand made for this (that doesn't cost much).
I went to Salvation Army and picked up an IV stand on wheels. It raises up and down with a twist of the wrist. The thick band on the pole across from the IV bottle is actually a twist lock. Twist one way and the pole goes up or down. Twist the other way and it locks the pole at the height you choose.
I ran a wooden pole thru 2 of the metal hanging loops. Then clipped the lamp to the wooden pole. Up and down with a quick turn of the wrist.
If you have a hand cart like you move furniture or appliances with you can put it up next to it and clamp it to that. It's what I do and it works great.
My brooder is set up under a shelf in the garage. I screwed a hook into the front of the shelf and the lamp is tied to it by its cord (it's very lightweight and the cord is pretty heavy-duty so I'm not really concerned about strain on the cord; I do check it daily). I can adjust the knot to raise or lower the lamp.

We use a lot of those clip-style lights where I work, and the clips aren't dependable. Make sure you've got backup on the clip, if it's in a position to fall into the brooder.
Just buy a dimmer cord at the hardware store for $10 and adjust the heat that way. Saves on electricity and allows you to adjust the heat instantly.

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Also if you get a dimmer cord you can use any type of wire cover over the top of the brooder and just sit the lamp on top of that. As long as the lamp can't fall inside you are good and the chicks can't touch it or jump out of the brooder.
This is what I did and worked well

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