Looking for container


8 Years
Oct 13, 2011
I've been looking for a container to place by our coop to hold supplies. so we (wife) doesn't have to lug everything to and fro the coop.
It would need to hold 2 40 lb bags of feed 1 of grit and wood chips. so I was looking for 30" h x 18" d x 48" h that opens from the top. Anyone know of Model numbers and manufactures.


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This may give you ideas to start with. http://www.rubbermaid.com/Category/Pages/Category.aspx?CatName=Outdoor

did this a few years ago when I had to store a lot of playground balls, hula hoops, etc for a youth group. Some have a hole for a padlock, very handy. Make sure you look at design for places small critters can enter. The one I purchased has doors on the front so you can open the whole thing up. The top that lifts up has two doors so you can open half at a time. It's fine for indoor use, but I could see rodents having a field day with it if I stored feed in it by the coop.

Good luck, and let us know what you find.
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I use a 40 gallon plastic garbage can. Not sure if yours is protected inside a run or not. If not, critters may chew on it so you might want to invest in a metal one.

Mine is inside the garage.
Home Depot has totes of every color. I bought one for $5 that holds 100 lbs of pellets.

However, someone on this site found an actual feed container with lids that open on 2 sides (as I remember) at one of the Mega Low Mart type stores.

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