Looking for hatch buddies. 2/27/14

Usually we start candling around day 5... You can usually start to see the development by then! I've seen pictures of embryos in the first few days on this site, but we usually wait till day 5 or so to candle. It's really cool to see the progression from the beginning!

I think after like day 6, you can watch the chick move inside the egg! Super cool to watch!
Nice!!! We're past our half way point! Candled all of our eggs again tonight, and every one showed development!
Fingers crossed that they all make it to hatch day...

Also shot some video of them moving around in there, but the quality was pretty poor. Difficult to see much from this point on anyhow.

Does anyone know how to post videos on here besides using the youtube app?
hey what temp does my still air incubator need to be on to hatch and do I need to put any thing in with the eggs

So far, we've got 7 little fuzzballs all fluffed out in the brooder! And another still drying out a bit. With 4 more piping as we type!!! The other 3 eggs still waiting a bit longer, but we're super happy with the results we've got so far!

Anybody else have anything yet???

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