Looking for PQ Call Ducklings in FL


6 Years
Aug 16, 2013
Melbourne, FL
Hello. I'm looking for pet quality call ducklings in Central FL. I would love to have a couple of Pastels and/or Butterscotch. Would like to get them around 2-4 wks old. May be interested in trying hatching eggs also if I cant find any ducklings. Thanks, Tammy
Hello. I'm looking for pet quality call ducklings in Central FL. I would love to have a couple of Pastels and/or Butterscotch. Would like to get them around 2-4 wks old. May be interested in trying hatching eggs also if I cant find any ducklings. Thanks, Tammy
you might find something here https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/2013-waterfowl-breeders-directory and
Checked there too. Seems nobody there breeds calls either. I finally ordered some eggs from the closest breeder I could find. They finally arrived yesterday and I will be putting them in the incubator tonight
. So excited! Thanks for trying to help! I appreciate it!
Very exciting keep us updated!!
Yes, thank you. Even posted back and forth a little with Lacrystol who has so generously offered to help come hatch time. Everyone here has been so nice and I really appreciate it. Very refreshing :)

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