Looking for some advice for my ducklings

April and Andy

May 13, 2020
Hello! I recently got two cayuga ducklings, and they are about 2 weeks old now. They are living in my bathtub homemade brooder, and we do not have their mother. I live on a cattle ranch essentially out in the middle of no where, and the predators out here are insane. i only feel comfortable having the ducks outside when I am home and can periodically check on them, as well as, I don't want them alone outside all night, so when they are full grown, they will be sleeping indoors still. Do you think this is okay? We know for a fact coyotes come near our house at night, and I would hate for something to happen to them on my watch! I also am keeping them as pets, so Im curious about how much time I should be spending with them daily so they can get to like me? Their diapers haven't arrived in the mail yet so I am not currently letting them roam the house all day, only for a few hours while I'm available for poop watch. This is my first time with poultry so any advice helps! Thank you!
You may have noticed they poop a LOT. This will not slow down; it will accelerate. I'm not sure keeping ducks as house pets is gonna work for you, but maybe it will. I would build them a nice little house and yard for when you're not playing with them, not home, doing other chores, etc. Hardware cloth is your friend. Use it anywhere you don't have wood and don't want predators to get in. You can even use it on the ground of their run... that and lots of deep bedding. I like straw for bedding. It takes a little longer for it to get slimed with stinky poo.

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