Looking for some gender help please!


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 13, 2010
Hi everyone! I'm wondering if you could help me sex a couple of Buckeyes and some BOs. I suspect that I have three Buckeye roos, but I only have heard one of them crowing. Actually, out of the entire group of 19 I have heard only one crow, and I ordered strait run of both Buckeyes and BOs!

These guys are all 21 weeks old.

Here are my Buckeyes: What do you think?


Here's a general pic of the flock (I ordered pullets of my BRs and have no reason to suspect otherwise...but I'm no expert!
) Oh, the BR gal in the middle is my lone survivor of last year's flock, so she is a year older than everyone else.


More of the BOs:


This one is more developed than the others. I only have a couple that are this red (out of 11):


Can't wait to hear some opinions! Thanks!
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All three of your Buckeyes are cockerels. However, I don't see a single rooster in the Buff Orpingtons or Barred Rocks . Your last photo is just a more developed hen. You may want to be on the lookout for eggs!
I keep looking for eggs! My last batch of chickens started laying around 21 or 22 weeks. I might keep them in the coop just to make sure they don't start laying in the woods somewhere.

Thanks for the opinions! Any one else? Is this the general consensus?
Yep, I'm with the general consensus on these. The Buckeyes are the only boys I see and the girls look like they're getting ready to start laying. Enjoy!!!

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