Looking for under$100 good digital camera - any suggestions?


9 Years
Aug 15, 2010
Columbus Ohio
I am looking to buy a new digital camera- Doesnt have to be ultra fancy or super high tech. Just a nice point and shoot type to take pics of my flock and lil stuff like that. Any suggestions? Make- model? Examples of pics they take?

Thanks !
Nikon Cool Pix has a model that is around $75. My daughter has one and it takes very good pictures. Model L24. It's 14MP, so the photo quality will be great for what you plan.

One thing to keep in mind, even cell phone cameras are better than "old digital" camera. Most models can shoot decent pictures, but get the best you can afford!

It's like planning your first chicken coop - think that you will have 5 birds and then realize you should have built space for 10!


an example of a photo from DD camera
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X2 I love nikon, we have the expensive bigger nikon cameras and love it, but my husband needed a small, easy, good camera for work the cool pix has been great!!!!!
I have a Nikon D60, which I LOVE!! But defintely not in the >100 price range

We have several older digital cameras and for the most part they are all decent. The older they are, the fewer MP, but they were great cameras in their time.

Don't go with a cheap knock off brand just to save a few bucks. Nikon, Canon, Sony, Kodak - get your camera from the camera people.
Huh ok - i fear i am a "non techy" sort of guy lol . So i am not up on all these things. And sadly you are right my meain reason is to get some nice shots of my flock and so forth .
Sounds like Nikon is the way to go !
Thank you for your input!!!!!!!
Kodak Easy Share is one of the easiest cameras you can use. Easy to hold in the hand and forgiving of the newbie.

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