Looking into getting chicks


11 Years
May 29, 2008
South Eastern Massachusetts
This is so addicting..... I am now looking into getting some new chicks to add to my huge flock ...of 2 lol.
[/img]These are the breeds I was looking at.

Sebrights: Silver or Gold
White Crested Black Polish
Easter Egger
Frizzle: Black or Red or splash
Polish: Golden Laced or Silver Laced,
Bearded Buff Laced Polish Hen
Wyandotte – Columbian or Golden Laced or Silver Laced
Buff Ameraucana Hen

I was looking for colorful and different breeds. I read these breeds are hardy in winter and I think that seabrights are the noisest of the bunch. Is that true? I cant have roo's so these will be all hens maybe 18-10 birds total ** Also are ameraucana and EE's the same???
Please and thanks in advance for any info!
My Wyandottes are the great egg layers in my flock. As are my cochins - beautiful and productive.
Polish? They are toy chickens IMHO. I cut back from 9 to 4. They are just kind of goofy... when they aren't being mean to others
Oh, you kind of opened a can of worms with the Auracana, americanna, easter egger thing. (Please, I hope no one highjacks this thread on the E. egger issue...
) No, they're not all the same. And there's been a TON written on it, here.
My easter eggers started laying in January, at 6 months of age, with no supplemental light or heat. They are both laying nearly every day. I love them, and would highly recommend them to anyone.
You can't go wrong with Wyandottes. They are great winter layers and very hardy. My Sebrights are noisy and a bit standoffish but certainly attractive. They roos are pretty scrappy but I have to laugh at them because they are so little and they act so big! I don't have experience with your other choices but you should get the ones that interest you and then you will decide which ones are best for you. Every breed has its good points.
My EE and Wyandotts are the first to run out into the snow in the morning and stay out in it all day where the Ameraucanas and others tend to retreatt to the coop more.
About sebrights. I breed the Silver variety. Some roosters can be downright nasty. I have one rooster who will attack you, and 2 others who wont. They are noisy, and they are very hardy during the winter. My hens are also pretty good layers once they get going. Also, they are flightly little birds.
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LOL I have to decide what I am going to get. I want winter hardy, quiet and friendly, colorful birds that lay all types of colored eggs

I saw a thread about EE and ameraucanas, very interesting reading. I see they are different breeds and they are very pretty. The seabrights are so pretty but I worry about their noise are they really noisy ??? And will they get picked on. I wanted to get one of each of the breeds I listed will they get along or do some of them have the tendancy to pick on others?

I love the penciling that some of the breeds have!

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