Looking to rent kuni kuni pigs


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5 Years
Dec 14, 2018
The Great Black Swamp, Ohio
I have read about renting kuni kuni pigs to till and break up hard clay pasture. Well that’s what I have about two acres of and what I would love to have worked. I would like to plant wheat after they’re gone.
I am not interested in keeping the pigs past 4-5 months and I will not eat these beautiful souls- so I am looking to rent them.
Has anyone heard about this? Do you know how I could go about it? I am in NW Ohio just off Lake Erie. I am willing to travel a long distance or pay for transport and, of course, for the rental.
Yes, I know I could rent a tiller, but this is more of a hobby farm project and sustainable living idea.
This sounds pretty cool. I love pigs, too, though I’ve never heard of the kuni sort. Is that a requirement? I don’t have any to rent but wanted to say good luck finding some.
My neighbor did this to recover some old farm land, but they did put the pigs in the freezer afterwards. They were huge, beautiful heritage hogs. And they did a great job.

Goat rental is fairly common around here, for kudzu and underbrush. They come with a set up of premier movable electric fencing. My neighbor used the same sort of fencing with their pigs and it seemed to work fine.

Perhaps your local extension office could connect you with a potential source, maybe some young entrepreneureal homesteaders looking to diversify. Good luck! 🐷
This sounds pretty cool. I love pigs, too, though I’ve never heard of the kuni sort. Is that a requirement? I don’t have any to rent but wanted to say good luck finding some.
My neighbor did this to recover some old farm land, but they did put the pigs in the freezer afterwards. They were huge, beautiful heritage hogs. And they did a great job.

Goat rental is fairly common around here, for kudzu and underbrush. They come with a set up of premier movable electric fencing. My neighbor used the same sort of fencing with their pigs and it seemed to work fine.

Perhaps your local extension office could connect you with a potential source, maybe some young entrepreneureal homesteaders looking to diversify. Good luck! 🐷
I’m from the south so kudzu goats were the first thing I thought of too!
I hope I can find some of these little guys:

Kunekune are known for not rooting up the ground.
Ours do some but not any where near as much as any other pigs.
Kune would be a poor choice for what youre looking for.
Kunekune are known for not rooting up the ground.
Ours do some but not any where near as much as any other pigs.
Kune would be a poor choice for what youre looking for.
I have begun to see this truth more and more. It would be much easier for me to get a hold of normal pigs, but can they be contained by electric mesh fencing?
They are so big. I have no experience with large stock.
Is there a smaller pig option for me?
You can get young pigs. Feeder pigs aren't too big. You ought to be able to find some of those. Electric fence should keep them in. You might consider electric poultry fencing. It works to keep in a variety of critters and it is lightweight and easily moveable so you can have the pigs concentrate their efforts in one smallish area at a time.

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