Losing feathers around tail feathers


7 Years
Feb 28, 2014
Hanging into Texas
My silver lace wing has lost 2-3 in of feathers from where her tail feathers start all the way around. I first thought she was startiing to molt, but that was back in the first of the summer. It's September, and I think it must be something else. I need to catch her and treat her before winter, but I don't know what her problem is or what to treat her with??? Has anyone had this problem? I tried to get pictures of her this morning, but didn't get good ones. I'll upload them and post the best.
My silver lace wing has lost 2-3 in of feathers from where her tail feathers start all the way around. I first thought she was startiing to molt, but that was back in the first of the summer. It's September, and I think it must be something else. I need to catch her and treat her before winter, but I don't know what her problem is or what to treat her with??? Has anyone had this problem? I tried to get pictures of her this morning, but didn't get good ones. I'll upload them and post the best.
Feather loss can occur from a few things.
Feather picking is common around the tail especially. Do you know where she in the pecking order? Often more aggressive hens will pluck a submissive hen bald in an area.
Mites or lice are another potential. She could be infected to the extent of feather loss. You'd have to thoroughly examine her to diagnose these, though. White sticky masses of eggs are often laid in clusters by the vent, and you'll see adults scurrying particularly around the base of the tail and under the wings.

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