loss of power during lockdown


6 Years
Jul 14, 2013
Good Morning!

So sometime this morning, my cats must have been having their usual game of "chase me" and switched off my power strip. My brinseas lost power and I don't know for how long, but my incubators temperature went to as low as 82. If they were in regular incubation time, I wouldn't fret cause I know it could be accounted as a regular cool down period. However, I have one incubator in lockdown. Of course, I plan to just keep them in lockdown and wait it out, but .... I'm sure someone out there has experienced this. What has been your experience if you have power loss during lockdown?

Good Morning!

So sometime this morning, my cats must have been having their usual game of "chase me" and switched off my power strip. My brinseas lost power and I don't know for how long, but my incubators temperature went to as low as 82. If they were in regular incubation time, I wouldn't fret cause I know it could be accounted as a regular cool down period. However, I have one incubator in lockdown. Of course, I plan to just keep them in lockdown and wait it out, but .... I'm sure someone out there has experienced this. What has been your experience if you have power loss during lockdown?

At lockdown, before hatch the little guys are actually producing a bit of their own body heat, so it's not a dire thing. It also depends on how long the heat had been off and how fast the inside of teh egg cooled down. I read one post one time where someone had given up on their over due hatch, cleaned out the eggs, (didn't eggtopsy) and had set the eggs outside, and something like the next day or two they went to discard them and could hear a couple chirping from inside the eggs. So anything is possible. lol

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