Lost all 5 layers last night. Pics* to help identify.

So sorry about your chickens
When you catch him, make sure you let us know what got to them.
I have 10 silkies and cochins in my garage. But they are only a few weeks old. The coon got all my egg layers. I was kinda attached to them. They had such interesting little personalities. What a crappy day.

Oh well. The dog sleeps outside tonight. It will be back for my ducks I'm sure.
I've had experiences with coons too. The only way to deal with them is to build your coop and run like fort knox. I've even seen where something tried to dig under the run fence. Fortunately I buried it a foot.
Another predator that is making a strong comeback here in Ok. is the Badger but I don't know about just how they attack. Look for prints around the area, that should help you nail just what did it.
WHen you rebuild don't use chicken wire...it's pretty much useless. Use hardware cloth or a combination of 2x4 or 1x2 fencing wrapped around the bottom with hardware cloth. I am sorry.
That is just horrible and everyone on this site feels terrible when something like this happens. Please let me suggest that I do not think that it is a good idea to invest in any sort of trap. Rather the better investment would be to better secure your run and coop. Where we live I can think of numerous predators that would have spent no more then 10 seconds breaking into your run. It was too flimsy. Invest in some hardware cloth and secure the run so that you can avoid this type of terrible situation in the future and avoid the heartache that comes with it. Sorry for your loss and I really hope that you do not have anything like that happen again.
I just don't know if I agree that it is a coon. I mean, wouldn't it eat more than the head? And a predator like a raccoon would probably kill one and eat, but kill them all just to leave the bodies laying? Sounds more like a dog to me. And a raccoon is notorious for reaching through as opposed to ripping out pieces of fence. Add in that the fence piece is missing entirely: why would a coon drag it off? A dog might but a raccoon probably wouldn't.

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