Lost Cybil Dribble today............ My crooked beaked Sebbie goose

I'm so sorry for your loss
So sorry to hear of your losses :( It always seems to be when for some reason, we can't check on them like usual is when something happens, so we feel extra guilty, but chances are you may not have noticed anything even if you did. Hope things brighten up for you!

I feel guilty because I was feeling sick that day and didn't get to check on everyone before bed. I keep thinking I may have noticed she was off and helped her.... She was such a trooper and a sweetie. This just adds to the losses I've had, right before we moved I lost my beloved emu Jazzy, then right after surgery I lost my Sophie Puff Silkie, then last week my favorite Orp roo Hercules.....and now Cybil....... It doesn't get easier and it's always the favorites.
We also lost our beloved "Honkie" goose at only 5 yrs old to what we suspected was egg peritonitis. And of course we also beat ourselves up for not noticing earlier - in spite of vet treatment we couldn't save her. But just remember, keeping pets always comes with heartache and guilt when they die, yet if you do the best for them that is all that can be asked. Your Cybil had a wonderful life because of you, so try and remember only the good times. Time helps and we've recovered from our loss and will start the risky business of getting attached all over again when we get another gosling this year - we can't bear to see our poor gander so lost without his sister. Keep on giving a good home to birds - they reward us more than any other pet I can think of.
We also lost our beloved "Honkie" goose at only 5 yrs old to what we suspected was egg peritonitis. And of course we also beat ourselves up for not noticing earlier - in spite of vet treatment we couldn't save her. But just remember, keeping pets always comes with heartache and guilt when they die, yet if you do the best for them that is all that can be asked. Your Cybil had a wonderful life because of you, so try and remember only the good times. Time helps and we've recovered from our loss and will start the risky business of getting attached all over again when we get another gosling this year - we can't bear to see our poor gander so lost without his sister. Keep on giving a good home to birds - they reward us more than any other pet I can think of.
So sorry for your loss

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