Lost our first chicken


In the Brooder
Apr 25, 2020
Good Morning Backyard Crew!

Long story short, lost our first chicken last night. Getting our kitchen floors redone, and staying at a friends house. Forgot to close up the run door and coop door. Sucks! Something got into our coop — we had one chicken that had some bound feet, and we made her a platform on the ground she could sleep on.feathers everywhere no remains found. My other six are ok.

Leaving the chickens in the run today and possible tomorrow. our run is very secure with buried galvanized wire, and large rocks surrounding. We have a 5 x 50 fenced outdoor area that our chickens always have access too. Any other suggestions to ward off this predator who now knows we have our backyard flock? have always had some hawk pressure with some close calls during the day but first night attack and loss.

Appreciate the help — feel terrible she was an awesome bird!! Thanks!
I'm sorry for the loss of your chicken! I'm a bit confused from your description, you say you accidentally left the door to both the coop and run open?
no worries. We have a garden shed that we built a coop in — have a sliding coop door and opens to a 5 x 10 covered and enclosed run and then that enclosed run door opens up to a 5 x 50 fenced outdoor space. Does that make sense?
no worries. We have a garden shed that we built a coop in — have a sliding coop door and opens to a 5 x 10 covered and enclosed run and then that enclosed run door opens up to a 5 x 50 fenced outdoor space. Does that make sense?
Yes, but I'm still confused about your question. Did the predator come in through an open door? If so, it's highly likely this predator has been there all along and simply took advantage of the open door.
Yes, but I'm still confused about your question. Did the predator come in through an open door? If so, it's highly likely this predator has been there all along and simply took advantage of the open door.
Correct the coop was totally exposed and it came through the door.

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