Lots of small bugs. Mites?


6 Years
Apr 10, 2018
I just moved my 4 week old cornish rock chicks into the smaller coop on our property a week ago. Today I saw they had soiled their bedding, so I added a new, thick layer of fresh flakes.

When I was spreading the flakes around I noticed these small red bugs crawling around quickly on the old flakes, about the size of the head of a small pin. The only thing I know to compare them to is chiggers. I then started looking for more of them and noticed they were all up in the cracks of the coop.

Does this sound like mites? My chicken's legs are fine, and no feather loss yet so I think the infestation just started. I don't want it to spread to my larger coop which has ~40 chickens.

I bought some DE and spread around the edge of the coop, and then sprinkled it all ontop of the bedding. Anything that has experience with this problem able to chime in here? Thanks!
Are you raising meat birds? If so do yourself a favor and get them out of the coop, and into a chicken tractor! You are going to be shoveling a lot of poo if you don't! The first time I raised them I made the same mistake. I know have a chicken tractor and they go straight from the brooder to the tractor! You tube Justin Rhodes permaculture chickens to read about it. Trust me those birds are eating pooping machines. Move them around the yard! I move mine every day! And after the cull in a couple weeks my grass looks great!
I just moved my 4 week old cornish rock chicks into the smaller coop on our property a week ago. Today I saw they had soiled their bedding, so I added a new, thick layer of fresh flakes.

When I was spreading the flakes around I noticed these small red bugs crawling around quickly on the old flakes, about the size of the head of a small pin. The only thing I know to compare them to is chiggers. I then started looking for more of them and noticed they were all up in the cracks of the coop.

Does this sound like mites? My chicken's legs are fine, and no feather loss yet so I think the infestation just started. I don't want it to spread to my larger coop which has ~40 chickens.

I bought some DE and spread around the edge of the coop, and then sprinkled it all ontop of the bedding. Anything that has experience with this problem able to chime in here? Thanks!
Are you using new pine flakes?
Are you raising meat birds? If so do yourself a favor and get them out of the coop, and into a chicken tractor! You are going to be shoveling a lot of poo if you don't! The first time I raised them I made the same mistake. I know have a chicken tractor and they go straight from the brooder to the tractor! You tube Justin Rhodes permaculture chickens to read about it. Trust me those birds are eating pooping machines. Move them around the yard! I move mine every day! And after the cull in a couple weeks my grass looks great!
And using pine flakes instead of pasture raising the defeats the purpose of raising you own meat, the cost of the pine and they are not getting to be real chickens if you raise them in a coop.
I just moved my 4 week old cornish rock chicks into the smaller coop on our property a week ago. Today I saw they had soiled their bedding, so I added a new, thick layer of fresh flakes.

When I was spreading the flakes around I noticed these small red bugs crawling around quickly on the old flakes, about the size of the head of a small pin. The only thing I know to compare them to is chiggers. I then started looking for more of them and noticed they were all up in the cracks of the coop.

Does this sound like mites? My chicken's legs are fine, and no feather loss yet so I think the infestation just started. I don't want it to spread to my larger coop which has ~40 chickens.

I bought some DE and spread around the edge of the coop, and then sprinkled it all ontop of the bedding. Anything that has experience with this problem able to chime in here? Thanks!
Welcome to BYC! Sounds like red roost mites, which feed on the birds at night. Bad news is the DE will not treat them. For red roost mites I think you best bet would be to strip all bedding and spray entire coop and birds with permethrin spray.
Red mites or roost mites can attack in severe cases at the rate of 750,000 mites per bird per night and this will soon result in a coop full of dead chickens because of blood loss. Do what cashportpony said and everything will be fine. Don't forget to retreat on a regular schedule to prevent a re-occurrence.. BTW, red mites can live 9 months without a blood meal.
Go get this from Tractor Supply:

Spray or dust the birds and spray your coops.

This is the label for the Gordon's

Here is the math:
8 ounces / 12.5 gallons = 0.64 ounces per gallon
0.64 ounces to ml = 18.9270589 ml


Thanks for the help all yall. I've ordered a gallon of permethrin 10% that should be here Tuesday. I'll mix it up and spray all over coop and burn bedding.

As for why the meat birds are in coop we have rural feral cats, foxes, coyotes etc. These fat meat birds would just be a free meal haha. Too fat to fly and escape. Heck, I almost nailed cat with my .22 just a second ago. Was skulking round the coop

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