Louisa Chicken starting my chicken endeaver.

Louisa Chicken

5 Years
Aug 25, 2014
I have always loved chickens.
I am now going to be able to make some little chickens and have eggs.
I love the Rhode Island Reds. I love double yokers, ha!
I will be buying chicks and building my coop for about 15 chickens.
I want to use rabbit wire and enclose my coop. I also want an egg collection area that I can pick up the eggs without breaking my back! Comes from being old.
I will be starting my chicken family in a few months.
Any help I can get will be appreciated.
I do not want a rooster!
Louisa Chicken
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Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Sounds like you are very excited! RIRs are a great breed but just so you know, they don't always lay double yolked eggs. (That depends on chicken not breed.)

Make sure the the wire you use can withstand your area's predators.

Here's some great links to check out.

If you don't want a rooster then you'll need to order sexed chicks. There is still a chance they could be male. If you are wondering about them, you can ask here https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/15/what-breed-or-gender-is-this

Good luck and don't hesitate to ask questions.

Glad you joined!
Hi and thank you for the advise.
The small rabbit wire should hold out most bad guys?
Yes, I know RRR do not always lay dbl yoke eggs. I love the brown eggs, I love large eggs. I love eggs!! He, he.

I will check on the sexing thing. I just do not want neighbors to complain
I am excited.
There is just something about a chicken that I love to have them around.
Which breed do you think lays the largest and most brown egg???
Louisa Chicken
Hi and thank you for the advise.
The small rabbit wire should hold out most bad guys?
Yes, I know RRR do not always lay dbl yoke eggs. I love the brown eggs, I love large eggs. I love eggs!! He, he.

I will check on the sexing thing. I just do not want neighbors to complain
I am excited.
There is just something about a chicken that I love to have them around.
Which breed do you think lays the largest and most brown egg???
Louisa Chicken
Australorps have been known to lay huge brown eggs. They are also a friendly and docile breed. Buff orpingtons are super affectionate and docile. They lay medium brown eggs.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

So glad you could join our community! Definitely stop by our learning center. Lots of good articles on all the aspects of keeping chickens, along with getting started and building the coop.

If you have any questions along the way, feel free to ask.

Enjoy this new journey you are on and welcome to our flock!

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