Low-Cost Skunk Trap

If I had to trap in the first place, I would relocate, not kill, but I keep my animals safe in the first place by reinforcing their homes and keeping them under a watchful eye. I agree, this is not a debate on whether or not to kill, or how to, but I believe that all animals should be treated with respect and given another chance somewhere else. The laws of trapping in CA are quite regulated, so even if I wanted to kill, it would be hard to find a way to do it legally and humanely in my area. Once again OP, the trap is great, I'm sure it will help many as it is low cost and easy to make. Thank you for posting!
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If I go to all the trouble of trapping a nuisance predator, I am not going to the trouble of dumping it off on someone else that doesn't want bothering them either.

It is illegal to relocate trapped wildlife. I can't afford to pay expensive fines......
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It just doesn't make sense to relocate, even where it is legal to do so.

-You've just introduced trap savvy pest/predator animals into someone else's 'backyard'.

-The spread of disease is a very real aspect and why it's illegal in many states to relocate trapped predator animals.

-Releasing an animal into another animals territory could well sign it's death warrant anyway, in case you were thinking of 'saving' the 'poor little creature'. Probably a worse death than a quick shot to the head or even a 'trashcan drowning'.

Since we've displaced their habitat (and more importantly their natural predators habitat) and fed them to overpopulation with our garbage...IMO, it is our duty to become the 'apex predator' and kill them when they become a problem to the extent that we need to trap them.
You are completely entitled to your own opinions. I would not release an animal near other people and farms, only in a secluded area. I realize it is illegal in many places, but it is the only option unless you are willing to invest in keeping your animals protected or killing. I don't believe any animal is a nuisance, they are just trying to survive like everyone. But this should not become a thread about people arguing whether or not relocation is a good choice. If it comes to that, this thread should simply be locked. Let's keep to the topic of a good skunk trap, what you do with the animal you trap is completely your choice, this thread is meant for trapping, not particularly trapping for relocation or killing.
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We're not arguing(or I'm not anyway) just all giving all our differing opinions.
Many threads on BYC(or any other forum) become in depth discussions(or arguments), sometimes even off topic discussions or chats.
No one is being mean or abusive to other members that I can see here.
You are completely entitled to your own opinions. I would not release an animal near other people and farms, only in a secluded area. I realize it is illegal in many places, but it is the only option unless you are willing to invest in keeping your animals protected or killing. I don't believe any animal is a nuisance, they are just trying to survive like everyone. But this should not become a thread about people arguing whether or not relocation is a good choice. If it comes to that, this thread should simply be locked. Let's keep to the topic of a good skunk trap, what you do with the animal you trap is completely your choice, this thread is meant for trapping, not particularly trapping for relocation or killing.

Actually since this thread appears to me anyways, is about an alternative way to catch an animal, from the typical wire cage trap. Therefore hopefully catching the trap wary animal ...

Having a plan on what to do with the caught animal is not only reasonable, but responsible.

Discussing the pros and cons of different options are important to people who decide to set out a trap ... There are basically three options in my opinion on what to do with the trapped animal (not all are legal in most places, and I am not even hinting at breaking the law, or the forum rules!)

1. Let animal out of the trap where it was caught.
2. Kill the animal.
3. Release it somewhere else than where it was caught.

So ... What are you gonna do?

The following is MY OPINION!

If you choose #1 ... The animal will probably be back to dine on whatever you keep putting in the trap, or ... Eat another chicken!

If you choose #2 you have a few choices on how to dispatch it, my preferred method is quite hard to do now, as it involves an old vehicle which puts out carbon monoxide (most new vehicles burn too clean, and are not humane!) so they go to sleep in a couple of minutes ... Since my oldest vehicle is a '89 and run by a computer, and anti smog stuff, I don't do that anymore ... So ... I now prefer a gun ... Check YOUR LAWS!
Then what? You have a corpse to deal with ... Eat it yourself, feed it to your chickens, bury it ???

If you choose #3 ... IF IT IS LEGAL! Most places it is illegal just to transport a live animal, forget about releasing it somewhere else ...

Consider this ...

The relocated animal is dropped off in a strange place, no longer does it know where to get food, water, or even sleep safely, it has no friends or family for support, it has been abandoned where other wild animals are competing for food, water, and shelter, and don't take kindly to stranger stealing from their area!

The animal will have a few fights, if it survives ... It may be maimed for life!

Maybe it will try to walk home to its own old territory that it was removed from ... It probably will come across other wild animals that do not want it invading their territory, even just passing through ... They may have, or choose to cross a roadway, and get run over by a vehicle, or accidently run across the free ranging neighbors dog!

If it has a disease ... It can further spread it to other critters in the new area, or it could catch a disease from another critter in the new area, and get sick and/or die ...

Relocating an animal just makes a vacuum in your area, for a new critter to move into, or a young critter to move into, or extend its range ...

Here is a thread discussing relocating ... And some states laws ... https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/1008185/lets-talk-relocation

I agree we need to have a "line in the sand" literally ... A barrier of your choosing ... Wether it is a fence, wall, moat, six sided enclosure, dogs on patrol, or land mines! ;)

Trapping is a way to either reduce the critters from crossing our line, or maybe from catching them once they are inside of our line ... We do need to have a plan on what we are gonna do, once we catch the critter!

I doubt that very many people actually have a true predator proof set up ... Predator resistant maybe yes, but few things are sure in life ...
Outstanding yet simple trap idea! Great job and thanks for sharing the trap!

I agree with humanely dispatching any predator you choose to trap. If you are not going to dispatch chicken killers then don't trap them and leave them be.
The laws of trapping in CA are quite regulated, so even if I wanted to kill, it would be hard to find a way to do it legally and humanely in my area.

As for a humane way to euthanize that is legal in most if not all areas, is a gas chamber... Gassing with CO2 or Helium is as humane as it gets IMO, and both gasses are readily available at retail stores... The 'gas chamber' can be as simple as placing the trap in big garbage bag or any other closed container, like a garbage can or plastic tote and filling up... Remember CO2 is heavier than air so you should have the vent hole on top of the gas chamber, while Helium is lighter than air and thus the vent hole should be on the bottom of the chamber so the breathable air can escape...

FYI if you shoot a trapped skunk shoot for a lung/heart shot, as head shots although resulting in instant death also almost always result in a release of spray...

And I'm in agreement that a trapped animal should be euthanized and not relocated, the 'feel good' notion of relocation generally never pans out so well for the relocated animal in the end and it can be incredibly destructive to other wildlife in the relocated area if said trapped animal is diseased or sick...
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I'm sorry if I offended anyone in any way. If I were a predator, which technically I am, I would much rather be taken somewhere else and still have a fighting chance instead of being killed. No matter how small the chance of survival, it is better than nothing, IMO. I do not resent people who dispatch, but I would not. Most of all I feel like there should be no reason to trap in the first place. Keep your chickens safe. Trapping is only temporary, new animals will take the old ones places. If you keep your coop secure and make changes when there are penetrations, the old preds stay, and no new ones can take their places. I am a big advocate of electric fencing and hardware cloth, as well as Hotwire. I believe that as we bring in our chickens, we should not kill native animals to protect foreign ones. It is simply my opinion. I am not trying to flame or start an angry debate, I am simply trying to congratulate the OP for finding a better way to trap, no matter how you keep your animals safe. I will not kill a predator for doing what predators do. I won't relocate because I don't need to, I keep my livestock and pets safe so I don't have to make tough decisions. I think the OP is trying to help people find better and easier ways to trap, not get into a conversation on whether or not to dispatch. Still, I am all for hearing out everybody's opinions and do not mean to come across otherwise. If the OP feels threatened or ridiculed in any way, or becomes uncomfortable with the conversation, he/she should have a mod close or lock this thread. Thank you for reading!

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