Low Pressure Automatic Waterer?


12 Years
Mar 26, 2007
Mineola, Tx
I'm going to order this low pressure automatic waterer for my small flock from Fleming Outdoors. Has anybody ever ordered from them and is there anything to complain about? Most importantly, any complaints about this product? It's cheaper than the cups but it seems like it will do a good job. Thoughts??


It looks pretty spiffy eh? lol.
I believe this type of waterer is used mostly for quail and other small game birds. Chickens will get grit and dirt in it which may cause a malfunction of the float. They may also try to perch on it since it is open.

A lot of people (including myself) use the following type of waterers. They can be hooked up to a hose, but also used as a low pressure system hooked to a 55 gallon drum.
I use one like Clara, it does oxidize at the stem where it slides and makes the bowl over fill and spill. I solved this by putting a tiny bit of shorting (because it's food grade grease) on the sliding portion. Personally I would still use this type of bowl over the one that you linked.

You also don't have to turn the water off to remove the bowl to clean it. The 'nut' on the bottom is a quick release and the valve in the bowl shuts the water off.


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