Lucky - The Little Chook we saved from the cat


7 Years
Mar 14, 2012
Dear all...

I am fairly new at this chicken rearing hobby... my hubby saved a chick from the cat last weekend and the chick decided to stay with us... very interesting as it seem to be really tame... it is still afraid being help by hand ard the body..but it is willing to hop on its own onto my lap or even my arm ...

It is also following me everywhere when i clean its cage's newspaper.

Anyone can tell from the picture if it is a boy or gal? i also dunnoe how old it is... it does not have any spur above the back toe ...well at least not yet.

Any idea how old is this chick?
I got some chicken feed from the local store.. the chick seem to only like to pick up the really small bread crumb pieces.. is it too big for it? what must i do? soak it?

Appreciate any tips offered...

Yep, a month or so old. I'm saying a rooster because every time I've found a chick it was a rooster! Feeding crumbles is fine, and eating the small stuff at this age is normal. Please keep us updated with more photos! I like the setup you have for him/her.
thanks all... ^_^ Currently giving it water via my doggie's spare doggy bowl.. it seem like it like to "play with water". Each time i clean the cage...the water bowl is dirty... and the newspaper is wet... do you think it is just a "play habit" ? Notice that there is a special water feeder than has a small little opening with a mini "bowl" at the very end for birds... should i get this? It comes in different sizes... so i guess..the biggest one makes sense?

I attempted to let it out to the garden... by carrying it when it like to hop onto my arm... i let it down gently onto the grass..but each time.. it just hurried along back to its enclosure.. or near it... is this normal? I was thinking it would like to catch some "bugs" or sorts.. in the morning on its own..hence let it out for some "outdoor" time.

Anyone know what breed is this little chick? It seem to still hv very fluffy "fur" ard the head... is this normal?

Very interesting...this adventure...
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Most likely the chick will follow you if you keep a low profile. Slowly drag your hand along the ground and help the chick 'find' food to eat. If you watch mother hen you'll see her picking out food for her chicks to eat. Chicks at this age will startle easy and seek a safe spot. They are afraid of shadows and things that hover over them. (HAWK!) Sounds like your chick is well on the way to be crate trained! As she ages she will get braver and explore her surroundings.

Don't be afraid to get on the floor with your chick and allow her to explore her surroundings with you to protect her.

Very cute little chicky!

Yes, it is normal for her to be timid outside, especially with no other chickens to protect her. She kind of looks like some that I used to have:

Enjoy her!
Thanks Everyone... here are more pix taken... i let Little Chook out again using ur tips... and it caught its first earthworm... how interesting...

Is it also usual for it to find a spot in the garden and dig a pit to take a "soil bath" ?

Little Chook Taking a "Soil Bath" ???? and eating all the baby weed that is growing on it.. .*giggles*
Yep! She's being normal! What a lucky gal!

Chickens love a dirt bath!

Welcome to the world of chickens!!! In about a year your life will be overrun with chickens like all of ours here at BYC a.k.a BackYard Chickens!!

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