Lung pain chickens


Dec 10, 2015
I have had lung pain for about 1 month now. This is my first time owning chickens and we raised them in our basement until they could go in the coop. I am wondering how common it is to get bird fanciers lung from hobby farming if I can still get it from the chickens in the run?
We moved them outside and I'm still not feeling well.
I wear a respirator when entering the coop, I change my clothes before entering house and wash hands well.
I'm wondering if it could be something else or the left over dust in my house from the birds. There was s ton! Any advice will help.
I don't want to get rid of them.
Visit your doctor SOON!!! Get xrays, and get answers. Mention the chickens, and the dust, and get answers. I've got asthma, and have to be careful about dust of any sort, and don't raise chicks in the house, because of the dust. It's time for a doctor visit. Mary
Really? I hope it will just go away. I'm going away for the weekend I will see if It gets better, if not I will go to the doctor.
If I clean the house well,
never bring them into the house again and wear a mask you think this will get better?
Get this checked out ASAP. Your lungs are nothing to mess around with. You don't want to risk permanent damage. And for future reference, brood your chicks outside. I'm in MN, and got chicks at the end of March. They came home and went straight to the brooder in the coop. We had a few nights in the mid-20's and they were fine.
Ok thank you, I hope that after I dust the house well again and take proper care this won't happen. I pretty much just see the chickens outside now. I would rather see them outside only then not at all.
I have a built- in vacuum, so no dust circulates when it's running in the house. No carpet, nearly no curtains, washing stuff often. It pays off in better happier lungs! A N95 face mask will protect you when working in the coop, too. Mary
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I'm also going to get an air purifier.
I am going to clean the heck out of this place!

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