M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

I've just got to know...!!! How in the world are yall keeping your chickens cool in this inferno we call Mississippi? My chickens are all panting and some are holding their wings away from their body. They've got shade, cool water and even fans in the coop. What else can I do???? Ideas and pics are welcome!!!
Mine are just kept in pens in the shade (with fresh/cool water), some do start panting, but luckily games are pretty temp-hardy. I know when I had some Langshan's years back I would trim their vent feathers some, it's not a big heat blocker. But for some of the heavily feathered breeds like Langshan's it does help, also can help with the fertility on birds.

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Mine are panting and spreading their wings out also.... It's gonna be a killer summer... 99 degrees first of June?
hi i am from southwest Mississippi in Franklin county i have 2 roos and a silkie with a slight crossed beak but she is eating and drinking good that is free to a good home please let me know if anyone is interested if i can not get them into a new home i will have to cull them and i do not want to do that if i do not have to
Hey everyone! I have 2 roo's that need new homes. They are both hatchery birds. One is a Rhode Island Red and the other is a Buff Orpington, both 1 year old. They were raised together but then I separated the two breeds so now I can't put them together again. I tried but they fought. My girls need a break. It's too hot to put chicken saddles/hen aprons on them. I have 4 BO hens with bare backs!
Both roo's are great with the girls. The BO is very friendly with me, the RIR doesn't really like being touched but he comes near me looking for treats (pecans pieces). Neither of them has ever tried to hurt me or thought of me as another chicken. The RIR has always been pastured behind an electric fence from Premeir1Supplies.com; the BO is now used to an enclosed run covered in chicken wire. The RIR roo didn't do well in the enclosed run; in fact he went nuts trying to get out! He might have done better if he had some girls with him but I put him in there by himself. The BO roo didn't like being alone either but he handled it better than the RIR roo.These are NOT for butchering, they are pets with names.
You can PM me if you are interested. I usually check email at least once a day. I'll be collecting eggs from the girls over the next ten days so the roos won't be available until the 10 days are up.



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