Made an important, life-changing decision

Congratulations, and good luck!!!
Babies are amazing!! Motherhood is just the best!
W-O-W! My husband hears these stories and gets all "Yeah! We can get them all done at once!" I have to keep reminding him of the health risks, and the fact I only have TWO ARMS, lol. Hey, at least she won't have to get pregnant again!

The clinic my DIL works at they never implant any more than 2 embryos and if they have too many follicles developing they won't do that procedure that month. The more babies, the bigger the risk to both mother and babies. They consider a procedure a success when they get one healthy baby.....not a litter. I asked her some questions after the octomom fiasco and she said it would have never happened at their clinic and the doctors there really felt her doctor should lose his license for implanting that many.
That's great advice! I had 4 kids in 5 years and I'm 28. Talk about going from teenage to compleat chaos! I home school also. Its wonderful to have a very supportive husband. But..... He is now hinting that he wants more.... Ahhhh I've finally been unpregnant for more then 1 year and he wants more!
We managed to do it when there's no hunting season going on. I've already told my mom she'll be watching him the first weekend in October, when dove season opens up. I want to plan the next one to be a winter baby (it's too darn hot in FL!) and hubby said as long as we have him between deer and spring gobbler seasons.
My daughter is a clomid baby (well, not a baby anymore....she's 23 years old!). I was told by my physician that there is only about a 10% chance of multiples with clomid. It is more of a "fine tuning" drug. I was 36 when she was born!! Talk about getting a late start...

I don't know if this is published, but my physician said that there is a higher chance of having a girl when on clomid.
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Thanks so much for the support guys! It's a big step for someone who never thought she'd have kids, and obviously I won't be sharing this with any of our friends or family for quite some time, so it's great to be able to share it on here. I'm scheduled to go off my BC in just a few weeks.

And so it begins!
katy on the first page has it right lol. i didn't read past there. but i have to say.. with my first, it was one night.(oops) with the second.. a month and a half.. and the third was over a year of trying. so good luck.

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