Mae Govannen!

Das Huhn

Aug 6, 2015
Hello! I am from WI and am in my mid-teen years (don't groan, I'm not like many!) I've had poultry all my life, been in 4-H for most of it, as well as many different breeds. I've been called 'chicken obsessed' by everyone who knows me, which I presume may be well warranted for someone who carries not a textbook to class, but instead the SoP or other poultry related books. Past large fowl chickens include Wyandotte (Golden Laced), Plymouth Rocks (Barred), Dominiques, Jersey Giants (Black), New Hampshire Reds, Brahmas (dark), Australorps (Black), Leghorns (SC White, SC Light Brown, RC Light Brown), Minorcas (RC Black), Andalusians (Blue), Sicilian Buttercups, Hamburgs (Silver Spangled), Marans (various English- and French- types), Sumatras (Black, a long-time obsession of mine that I finally let go), Easter Eggers, and I once hatched out two Araucana chicks (yes, actual Araucanas. Both were weak and died in the first days). I had a few various bantam breeds when I was in the third grade, but I have never liked bantams. Other fowl I've had in the past include ducks (Rouens, Muscovies, and Runners), geese (Africans, Chinese, and American Buffs), and Pearl Guinea Fowl. CURRENTLY I raise only LF Buckeyes, Rhode Island Reds (mostly RC, but a few SCs keep creeping up), and Cochins (Blacks, Blues, Whites, and Splashes). We also have a few Buff Orpingtons to please my mother. I feel very settled down with these three breeds, and the Orpingtons, and don't think I will get another breed. I've had only these for the past few years and I am content with them. The only exception would be if I got some decent white Dorkings to work with. I've always been drawn to them, but they are rare and a lot of the stock is not up to par. What a disappointment for such a glorious breed.
My goals of raising these three is to breed them with the APA SoP as a guide, in addition to production abilities. A lot of Cochins these days are just too 'fluffy' and not 'meaty' enough for my taste. Oftentimes at fairs RIRs are more of the production type and the owner does not know the difference. I also hope to play a small part in preserving these breeds for future generations. I will probably continue to own chickens throughout my life, and I may continue to have the same ones as I have now. It is very good to see all the improvement year after year in size, type, and production.
Considering my username and the title of the post, I have a love of languages. "Das Huhn" means "the chicken" in German. "Mae Govannen," for any Tolkien enthusiasts, is Sindarin for "Well met." I happen to be obsessed with all of Tolkien's work, including the more obscure. I also happen to write quite a bit, anything including novels, poetry, music (I play percussion), short stories, a play, and a story written in the second person (very difficult, and that one is slow going). I have a strange liking for a lot of older things, and not nearly as 'tech savvy' as many of my peers: my mother has to make me take drivers ed. because I don't like cars, I prefer real books to E-books, I don't use my cell phone often, this is only the second website I've contributed to, etc.
Other than that, I try to live the most self-sustainable, natural lifestyle my parents will put up with. Not a huge fan of all the chemicals and GMOs (as interesting as a glow-in-the-dark cat sounds... I'll pass). Plus I just feel the lifestyle just makes life more worth living. I don't take medicine unless in dire need (such as surgery) because I feel it will cause more harm than good. My chiropractor has also been a miracle worker and solves lots of those problems anyways.
I've been a lurker here for a while, a few years, I should think, but I've finally decided I would join.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. A lot of us were lurkers before joining. :eek:) All of us here at BYC have OCD (Obsessive Chicken Disorder) and very few of us are immune to "chicken math." :eek:) Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your flock.

Nice to have you here!

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