
Aug 20, 2017
My rooster had gotten attacked by something and had no feathers on his back and I had been putting betadine and stuff on him. But now I went to check and he has maggots all over him and in his skin. What can I do to help him? I really don’t want to lose him. I feel like an extremely terrible mom/:
My rooster had gotten attacked by something and had no feathers on his back and I had been putting betadine and stuff on him. But now I went to check and he has maggots all over him and in his skin. What can I do to help him? I really don’t want to lose him. I feel like an extremely terrible mom/:
Bring him inside and start picking the maggots off. Can you post pictures of him?
As nasty as it will will need to remove the maggot with a pair of tweezers or similar object. Wrap him in a towel before starting this. Put maggots in alcohol, water, etc. once maggots are removed, bath the area or or you might need to bath him entirely. The area will also need to be soaked in an epsom salt bath for about 10 minutes daily. Apply vetercine spray to wond. Keep him away from other birds u til he start to heal. I had a small rooster who got fly strike and he recovered. That’s was absolutely disgusting, I then had another baby get attacked by another hen and was nearly eaten to death. I was able to save her as well. Peroxide is not supposed to be good for the. Make sure maggots are not in vent area! Good luck!
Above post is good. Make up a saline solution and flush out as many maggots as you can with a large syringe. Manually pick out the rest with tweezers.
I wouldn’t go with peroxide, it’s been shown to prohibit new tissue growth but it won’t hurt one time if you already did. Betadine is great, really get in the rotted tissue, don’t worry if you make it bleed. In fact that might be a good goal if it’s really disgusting right now.
Pictures would be helpful. Good luck!
I agree with @casportpony start getting the maggots off.
Don't use Peroxide to clean him up, if you have nothing else use warm soapy water to clean him up, rinse well.

Photos would be helpful.
Agreed. Peroxide hurts and the bubbling effect does not “bring bacteria to the surface” as we were all told as kids.. if anything, it makes you think it’s more clean than it really is.
I just had the same thing happen to my hen but I did use peroxide it helps kill the maggots. I only used the peroxide to help rid her of the maggots not for cleaning the wound. she is now doing much better
I have a rooster with flystrike. What is the betadine dilution that I need to use on him please?
I have a rooster with flystrike. What is the betadine dilution that I need to use on him please?
I would probably dilute the Betadine by 50% (1:1). The goal is the get the maggots flushed out, pick them off with tweezers if need be. Trimming feathers away from the wound is also a good idea.
Do you know what caused the FlyStrike, was he attacked? Check him over for any hidden wounds under the feathers too.

If you have photos you would like to share, we would be happy to help you with the rooster.

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