May 5, 2018
I recently bought a forced air magicfly janoel 12 incubator and im currently incubating 7 eggs. 4 barred rock, and 3 Easter Eggers. The incubator was keeping a pretty good temp but I’m on day 5, and it wants to fluctuate. I have 4 thermometers in it. The digital accurite reads 100 steady, the 2 mercury accurtites read about 99.5, and then my digital one reads 99.3. However, the temp keeps wanting to drop and raise 98.4-99.7 constantly throughout the day. I can’t seem to get it at one steady pace and I’m worried about my chicks. :( it’s in a draft free, temp controlled room. Any suggestions on what I should do? Should I just leave it alone? This isn’t my first time incubating, but my old little giant incubator broke during a move. Any tips are greatly appreciated!❤️
That certainly doesn't sound like a dangerous temperature swing. Hopefully someone can help you resolve the problem but if they cant I wouldn't worry about it too much...

I might would bump it up just a hair so it ran between 98.9 -100.2, then your averaging 99.5 which is ideal...
Here is a good review that will show you how to calibrate the temperature to your separate thermometer.
I use this to monitor temperature and humidity and use the ice water and salt water test to calibrate to be sure it’s accurate. I then calibrate the incubator to this known correct temperature.
Thank you! I will def try that device for my next hatch. The magicfly thermometer and hydrometer version of it I got is off by 5 compared to my other 4 thermometers. Current temp is staying between 98.9-100 so average is about 99.5. All chicks seem to be doing good, just need a reliable digital therm and Hydrometer.

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