Magillas Brooder Build


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 30, 2014
BC Interior
Chicks are scheduled to arrive the week of Feb. 17th. 24 layers and 12 meat birds.

Brooder will be inside for this run but will be moved out to the shed or built into a new coop in the summer. Initially I was only planning on 6 to 8 layers but then chicken math happened, my order somehow tripled and then I ordered an incubator and 2 dozen hatching eggs for the end of the month. :) I now realize that this is actually the top floor of a multi story unit and I will have to build another the same size under it.

No plans, I'm making it up as I go, using what I have where I can. Shouldn't take more than a day or two to finish depending on hardware availability. I'll post pics as I go, I'm new to this so will appreciate any and all feed back.

Floor is 3/8" OSB (already had it) on 2x2 framing.

Was going to use lino for the floor but found a piece of pond liner the perfect size from another project.

Total height of Brooder will be 33". Plan at the moment is to move it out side in a few months.

Next up, a little bracing and screen, then doors, lamps and dimmers. I'm going to run a 1 x 6 around the bottom to contain bedding. I'm thinking sand atm.

Thanks for looking!
Sand is hard to clean for the first week because the poop is so small. What I do now (suggested by another BYC'er) is put dollar store shelf liner in there and hose it off every day. It prevents leg problems and takes less then 5 minutes to dry. After a week I put sand in there and scoop it out with a kitty litter scoop with hardware cloth on it (for the smaller bits). Just a thought, you don't have to do it like I do. The brooder looks great!
Thanks for the comments. I have no practical experience but have read 1 to 1 1/2 sq. ft. per chick so between 22 and 32? I have 36 coming so if all arrive healthy I will be adding another floor in a few weeks, lol.

I got bracing and wire done today, but we had big dump of snow and I spent most of the day shoveling and on firewood.

Pics tomorrow, maybe doors if I'm lucky.
Nice looking brooder. I made a smaller one out of a plastic storage container but would love to make something bigger. Just have no space.
Took awhile to get to get back to work on the brooder. I wanted to but mother nature has kept me busy doing other things.

Finished installing bracing and wire. I used hardware cloth on the sides and chicken wire on the top.

I was thinking of a sand bedding but thought it would be easier to change shavings to sand than vise versa in case I hate it. I put in about 2 1/2" of shavings in a few layers spraying with lacto B to control odor (I hope).

I have 2 - 250 watt heat lamps on dimmers. This is mostly for piece of mind in case one fails, two is one and one is none kind of thinking.

I also installed a small 24" floro on a timer, (it's behind all the boxes and wires) but have read conflicting advise regarding white light. I will try 12 on 12 off at first and see how everyone reacts.

I still need to make doors but I can't find the drill bit I need to do it. I have ordered a new one but it comes with the chicks on Tues. lol, so I will have to put a piece of ply wood across the bottom for a day or two.

I have a bucket of starter fermenting and will leave the heat lamps on to get the brooder stable. I have some nipples and will make the waterer tomorrow.

Getting close :)
That is beautiful! I have always used red lamps, the white keeps them up at night. I also brood mine next to a window for natural daylight. I have a friend that swears by the white lights though, I guess it is a user preference.

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