Magpie/pekin duck mix questions

Slimp Farm

Jun 23, 2016
In the beginning i had 1 pekin female, 1 magpie female and 1 pekin drake. Of course the drake mated with both. My pekin female disappear after laying her eggs, im assuming by a fox or other wild animal, so my magpie pushed all the eggs into her nest. I randomly took 2 eggs out of the nest to let one of my rhode island reds hatch them because she was going broody (I do not have a rooster so none of my chickens have ever hatched an egg). She hatched the 2 ducks and raised them as if they were her own. Meanwhile 16 baby ducks hatched with my magpie and pekin in the pond. Now all ducks are 12 wks old and doing great except the 2 ducks raised by the chicken wont hang out with the other ducks, and the daddy duck doesn't let them anyways. I was hoping i magically picked 2 eggs with one being male and the other female but i don't think i did. They both have the same coloring but one got his drake feather, the other one hasn't yet but he makes the same sound as the one with the drake feather. Also neither one quacks. As far as the other ducks i think i only have 2 drakes including the dad and the rest our very loud females lol.
So on too my questions.....1). I know my ducks are fully feathered but will they continue to change colors? I still have some that are gray and white but i was hoping to have some that look like their mother magpie, and i have some that are not a bright white color like the pekin. 2). What should i do about my 2 drakes that were raised by the chickens, if indeed the 2nd one is a drake? They are inseparable and i hate to split them up but I would like to have a female with one of them. The ducks in the pond are not very social, they come to me at feeding time and will let me hang out with them but not touch them. The parents were already there when i moved in so they were not treated nicely by previous owners. After being here 7 months they finally let me get close just not enough to touch them so i cant take a female from the group and move her. I think even if i did she would go right back when they free range. Need some advice, Thanks (Below are some pictures of my flock, atleast the ones that would participate)

Beautiful ducks!

With my flock it's been give and take. My plans don't always seem to suit them

For example, I tried to incorporate Bean, Hazel and Carmella (drake and two ducks) in with the all-girl flock, and after two years, it became clear that the three were not going to be integrated with the rest. It's complicated... but I accepted that everyone is happier and healthier having two groups. A tad more effort, but peace reigns.

Also, flock dynamics can change. Sometimes we can take advantage of that.

So I would aim to take it slowly, work with what works. The older drake may simply not want competition. I always try to remember that each duck's health and well-being depends on me. That takes a little effort, but so far, so good.

Wish I could come up with an easy sure-fire plan....

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Thank you for the information. I did find someone who is in the same boat i am only they have all female ducks and are looking for a drake. So happens they live down the road from me and pass by my house every day so i think we are going to try and sway my drake for their female. Hopefully the new female will stay with my drake so he wont be lonely and not move out to the pond with the others. The ones in the pond are not very accepting to new birds even the locals that visit from a near by pond every now and then, they run them off quickly. So hopefully if i keep the new female with the drake in the coop for alittle while they will become close and stay together. All i can do is try. My chicken is still very protective of her ducks so im not sure how she will feel with a new female around but its worth a shot. I am going to be building a new duck house for the ducks in the pond in a couple weeks to get ready for winter, any suggestions on how big or nest boxes or any tips? I will also be extending the chicken coop to accommodate my ducks better for babies in the spring, if the 2 get along well.

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