Make-shift tools to get the job done


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 3, 2009
North Plains
I didn't want to spend $30 on a lung scraper so I went to Kitchen Kaboodle. The sales rep looked horrified when I told him what I was looking for but he led me in the right direction... a $3 tomato/strawberry corer.

I NEED to make a killing cone. The last batch of meaties we processed all ended up with broken wings and my husband almost cut his finger off. We've just been tying up their feet and hanging them over and into a 5 gal bucket before we cut off the head. I was thinking of cutting the tip off of a large funnel... but thought some of you might have some insight as to what I could use. Thanks!
That's correct- thanks for the advertising! Kali- thanks for the GREAT idea for the lung scraper! I don't know why I didn't think of that- I've wanted one of those, and was trying to come up with something that would work. Have you used it yet and confirmed it works?
I can't wait to go back to work and tell the cooks there, that their tomato sharks can be used as a chicken lung scrapers. Oughta gross them out good.

That's correct- thanks for the advertising! Kali- thanks for the GREAT idea for the lung scraper! I don't know why I didn't think of that- I've wanted one of those, and was trying to come up with something that would work. Have you used it yet and confirmed it works?

I may purchase a cone or two of yours.
The first thing we tried was one of those bendable cutting mats but it broke even before the first bird.

The tomato corer works beautifully as a lung scraper! I bent the head of it a bit forward so as to have a better angle on it while inside a carcass. It works great on strawberries & tomatoes too
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Mine is a hi-c jug. with the bottom cut out & the mouth widened. I left a little lip on the bottom to help keep the screw from ripping through. I just used it today with a bird that was struggling a lot but she just went in a little tighter.

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