Making a breed of chicken



🙄🤚 Loving life 💜
May 3, 2019
I’m not sure what to call this chicken yet, but I was gonna do a GLW x Ameraucana. They both have the sweetest personalities so the babies should be friendly!! Here’s my rooster that seems to get along with everything and is scared of nothing :idunno:lau

and my GLW which isn’t show quality but she sure is
She’s not laying yet but she’s 5 months and like 3 weeks so hopefully she will lay soon.
I’m not sure what to call this chicken yet, but I was gonna do a GLW x Ameraucana. They both have the sweetest personalities so the babies should be friendly!! Here’s my rooster that seems to get along with everything and is scared of nothing :idunno:lau
View attachment 2240390
and my GLW which isn’t show quality but she sure is
View attachment 2240398She’s not laying yet but she’s 5 months and like 3 weeks so hopefully she will lay soon.
This is off-topic (sorry), but that's a beautiful goat. Nigerian? Pygmy?

Good luck with your breed, I love crosses and project breeds!

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