Making a Coop in a Barn Stall?


In the Brooder
Jan 30, 2018
Logan, Ohio
My family just bought a 25 acre farm in southern Ohio, and it has a large barn supposedly built in the 1800s. It has one stall that looks as if it is just for storage, so I was curious as to weather or not it is a viable idea to build a wall on the open side for a chicken coop. The dimensions of what I want to block off are- 11 feet tall, 11 feet deep, and 19 feet across. The old ¨corn crib" as my grandpa calls it is blocking about 2 feet of it off already. If anyone has a makeshift coop similar to what I want, I would really appropriate a few nuggets of knowledge. We would probably wrap the entire interior with some small holed welded wire to keep pests out, because it obviously isnt very well protected as is. Thanks!
If the 11 foot wall happens to face south, you might have something that could use the Woods Open Air method. Nothing beats that system, it lets mother nature do a lot of your work and your chickens will be very healthy.

Read reply number 16 on this page and see if that could describe your setup, it doesn't have to be exact.

Here's the link:
I have had a chicken coop built in an old barn in the past. It was also a barn built in 1800's, but I built it in a smaller pen. I would fix the bottom of the pen with wood, then put a wire material on the upper part of the exterior walls. It would work great for a chicken coop! If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to let us know!

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