Making Lemonade [Selective Culling Project - very long term]

and if I was to order from Ideal, their Partridge Rocks and Welsummers. Egg color again a problem.

No perfect fit for what I want, I'm sort of picking and choosing from the menu....
More than 20 pages back

From McMurray, it would be Ginger Broilers (for size, base color - no pattern though) and Partridge Rocks (base, pencilling, egg production - but darker than I want, the eggs, too).
I would think if you just kept females, your male could help lighten the egg color a bit rather quickly, maybe 2 generations?
I would think if you just kept females, your male could help lighten the egg color a bit rather quickly, maybe 2 generations?
Yes, one of my better males over some of their birds would be rather helpful, thinks I.

I was born under the sign of the Ram, I'll drop a hint for next year's Bday present.
What egg color are you looking for? I don't remember.

I remember he wanted the egg color light enough to candle easily, but did not seem to care otherwise.

First post:
cream to tinted egg color

Nearly a year later:
Eggshells aren't getting any lighter, but they are in the cream/tan range - which is light enough for at least some effective candling. I'm willing to accept that as "close enough", and will only cull out excessively dark egg layers.
Have you added any Speckled Sussex to your project? They are brown, clean legged, and lay a lighter colored egg.
I have not. I am still working with the birds and the descendants of the birds that I talked about on the first page. Comments rainbows a CX drama and Wyandotte. I've looked at speckled Sussex before, and initially decided against them due to the lack of penciling or barring. Now that I've seen some birds who are sort of speckled through accident of genetics, I'm rethinking that a little bit. But no I haven't looked closely I just initially eliminated because I didn't think it was what I wanted.
I have not. I am still working with the birds and the descendants of the birds that I talked about on the first page. Comments rainbows a CX drama and Wyandotte. I've looked at speckled Sussex before, and initially decided against them due to the lack of penciling or barring. Now that I've seen some birds who are sort of speckled through accident of genetics, I'm rethinking that a little bit. But no I haven't looked closely I just initially eliminated because I didn't think it was what I wanted.

Your mention of barring reminded me of a rather uncommon bird, but available from some places,

The California Grey -- primarily used as, IIRC, the male parent of the California White cross. I don't know their size -- probably on the smaller size -- but if you're bringing in size with the ginger broilers you might try a couple California Greys for big white eggs.

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