Making Sure Your Rooster Knows You Are Top Dog

I should probably mention that my roos are either polish or silkies. The silkies have always been nice to me. The polish... well.. the silver laced polish is scared of me. If I walk near him, he huddles near the fence and I just gently pick him up. It's the other polish that has been giving me problems. Since his feathers were getting so long in the front, I taped them up for a couple of days with some painters tape so he could see better. He was a lot less skiddish. Yesterday, I finally took the tape off and just lopped off his top feathers to a reasonably length. He seems happier and can see better.
I find that quick squirt from a water pistol can deter any unwanted behaviour
During the summer I could use the water hose out back, but now that it's so cold the ground wont dry. Maybe i'll buy a squirt bottle.
"leave the rooster training to the professionals, other chickens." Nupe

I agree with this, the best roosters are raised in a multi-generational flock. Older birds work with those cockerels 24/7. They don't tolerate any bull either.

There are probably people who can train them as stated above, but frankly, most of us do not work with our birds to that point. If a bird is aggressive, cull him, and try again.

I have had good and bad, recognize the signs of an aggressive rooster, and put him in the pot.

Mrs. K
I have two adult roosters and a cockerel. My lavender Orpington is as sweet as he can be. But 'Roo' who I now call 'meanie' is just that mean, nasty-tempered and will attack, if I'm not carrying a stick around. He is a RIR/white leghorn and has killed two other roosters.
Wish I knew what to do with him, but my girls' eggs are fertile.
I have two adult roosters and a cockerel. My lavender Orpington is as sweet as he can be. But 'Roo' who I now call 'meanie' is just that mean, nasty-tempered and will attack, if I'm not carrying a stick around. He is a RIR/white leghorn and has killed two other roosters.
Wish I knew what to do with him, but my girls' eggs are fertile.
Eat don't really want to create more with his temperament.
Tho multiple males can bring out the worst in some of them.
I have a polish rooster and he started to become aggressive towards us. He is only 7 months but as he hit sexual maturity he would bow up especially on my daughter (9) . I have fixed this problem by picking him up when he starts and holding him like a baby while I pet his head feathers back and talk in a stupid voice "whose my baby rooster" etc. He completely looks offended during this exchange but has decided that he should not bow up on us at all. :)

My RIR has always been very docile but one day out of the blue he decided to see how tough he was and I was walking across the yard and he attacked back of my leg. I was totally shocked and gut reaction was I turned around and kicked him. He has never been aggressive again. I probably wouldn't have kicked him if I had time to think about it, but was just a reaction. Love my rooster.
All roosters will be a little abrasive during mating season and that is understandable. Agression toward humans can be genetic. I never breed a rooster that shows human agression. To back a rooster down, just carry a small spray bottle with water and a little ammonia. It will not hurt him, but the ammonia will stop him in his tracks. Just think of getting some in your eyes. Hope it helps

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