Making the most of it.

Probably hard to get on line at her parents, I'm sure she's crazy busy.

Sending good thoughts to you Linda, wherever you are!
Hiya, Friday
How are things out your way?
Hey Whites, things are good. Been real busy since my dad flew down and sent a moving container of stuff that had to be unloaded at my house at the last minute because his street was being seal coated. He flew back to WA this morning, and we got the rest unloaded into our warehouse today. I'm beat.

How are you?
Hey Whites, things are good. Been real busy since my dad flew down and sent a moving container of stuff that had to be unloaded at my house at the last minute because his street was being seal coated. He flew back to WA this morning, and we got the rest unloaded into our warehouse today. I'm beat.

How are you?
I bet you are! 'Specially when you weren't planning on it.

Pretty good here. Been working trying to get a new coop & run finished so I can raise some little ones. Set some posts today; hoping to stretch some wire tomorrow, weather allowing. Been off & on rain here for 3 days; possibly more tomorrow. Yard's starting to look like a pasture again.
Just glad we had room for everything. We will start making trips and put some stuff in their house and garage next week.

New coop and run sounds great! Post pics when you are done.

I still need to put permanent fencing between the shed/coop and the run, which used to be a carport. The temp fencing has been up a year and it's scruffy looking. Chickens don't care though. :gig
Just glad we had room for everything. We will start making trips and put some stuff in their house and garage next week.

New coop and run sounds great! Post pics when you are done.

I still need to put permanent fencing between the shed/coop and the run, which used to be a carport. The temp fencing has been up a year and it's scruffy looking. Chickens don't care though.
I've taken pics from the beginning, but can't get them to post. Not sure whether it's operator error or computer glitch
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THANK YOU TO ALL Members who Have DONATED These Prizes!



6 Copper Marans Hatching Eggs -

Donated by @Laurel Meadows
post #747 Winner @lindalouly


This just posted 4 minutes ago!
Good Morning, or
Good Afternoon, or
Good Evening, Linda...whichever applies when you can get back on here
We miss you. Take care, be careful out there, and Good Luck with your search.
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