Making the most of it.

That's enough sad stuff about dogs.

Many years ago oly and Kyle lived somewhere else. She escaped the yard and got hit by a car. She has nerve damage in one of her legs. She has been playing more since we have moved in with the folks so I think it's putting too much pressure of the leg. I don't know what Kyle did when the injury first occurred. I know she went to the vet.. Just don't know what they did to help her injuries. I'm not sure if they will be able to do anything but it's worth a shot to see. She also has open soars on the pads of her feet due to allergies. Gonna have that checked out too. Even a pain medicine would be better than nothing so she can play more. She's a little piggy piggy.
we ordered some cbd medicated dog treats for my mils border collie who was having some rear hip problems. Seemed a few years younger after a couple of em. Probably run you about the same for a trip to the vet + meds. Just an alternative if it's up your alley.
Today is gonna be in the 80s. I have to take boy three to the ortho... Oly girl to the vet today... She is favoring her leg a lot now. Won't hardly use it so hopefully they will have a solution. Hopefully something good will come everyone's way today.

Today I am grateful that I can still drink coffee with this annoying cough.

Yesterday I found a house that I really loved. 113,000 on one acre of land in the country. Not sure if we are gonna be able to get it... But it was in the perfect location.

Got lots to do.. The day should fly by really fast. Much love my friends.
Hope the house works out. Just be sure you check the zoning; agricultural would be best.
we ordered some cbd medicated dog treats for my mils border collie who was having some rear hip problems. Seemed a few years younger after a couple of em. Probably run you about the same for a trip to the vet + meds. Just an alternative if it's up your alley.

I'll keep that in mind if the vet doesn't figure things out. I have to take her in for soars on her pads too. Thank you.
I find myself once again sitting at the dentist office... Feels like I come here multiple times a week!!! Hahahaha

Yesterday I was hanging out with my oldest son. He gave a slide show presentation for his spanish class on his family tree. At the end of it other classmates get to ask questions about your family.

The only question he got asked is if I was his step mother because I am Asian. Lol he told the class that I was his biological mom. They never questioned if Devin was.... Little turds. Devins his step dad!!! Hahahaha but Michael just calls him dad. Love my light skinned, dirty blonde haired kids!!!

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