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I don't have blue but I do have laced and will be putting her first batch of eggs in the bator this weekend. Can't wait to see what she produces!

Gorgeous Jessi! Blue is very dominant and should be easy to breed into your line. I have a cool double laced pullet growing up right now (black and brown). I really don't know where she came from. If that girl throws any bluish boys, let me know!

I'm holding you responsible for this Serama addiction!
LOL Bailey! But its the best addiction, I SWEAR.. good for your health, but can be hard on your wallet sometimes!
Ill be doing my blue homework and figuring out that since its new to us. Just not sure if I wanna get that roo to go with her.
Let me know next time you are down, and Ill try to get you some blue boys for your flock!

HenThymes-- I love her so much! What a pretty hen! What do you call her color? Her wings are really neat.. they look speckled like a salmon or something.

awesomefowl--We selectively choose roos that are quiet. I have a show this weekend, but I have one white that I made a video of , and heard his brother yesterday, whose crow is even more squeaky! Ill get a video of him too.

kelliepulido--Sending you good Hatching Vibes!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

SOOOO... Im sitting here with my new pullet from Dianne! She is black mottled! I was so excited when I returned a call after class and it was the post office! Be back with pics in a bit!
You should get him too! And then if either of them don't work out, give me a call. At least get a few clutches of their babies out there first. And by out there, I mean, to me.

Genetically, I'm no wizard, but your best option would be to use the blackest cockerel you have, or another that is showing some lacing, if the goal is to keep that lacing up (which I would hope it is!). You might have to cross her sons back to her a couple of times. Even getting the blue color in some of your mottled birds would be a good thing, and would show up in the first generation. I just got some photos of my growing flock. Not as nice as yours obviously, but 'll put up some photos in a bit.
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