Male Button Bullying female ??

Blob Chicken

10 Years
Nov 2, 2009
So for the past while my male button quail has been bullying his mate.

He will grab at her legs and trip her, and I picked her up today and noticed that she has scabbing around her vent, so I can infer that he has been picking at her around there as well.

Is there anything I can do to stop him hurting her, or is the only solution to removed the male ??

Also before anyone suggests it, no, I will not put another female in with the pair. Button quail are monogamous and that is how it stays at my house.
Maybe clip his beak?

Also, bullying occurs a lot with quail. Red light makes em less aggressive, putting in balls and toys makes em slow down the attacks. Making hiding places is also good.

Not all button quail are monogamous, my male has 3 females, but yea. That's rare.
I would place a wire divider between them for a few days. it sounds like he is trying to get her to mate when she is not ready. How old are these buttons? Is she on a high calcium diet? Enough natural light? Warm enough? oh and do not use red heat lamps for buttons! it is not good for their tiny eyes.
If after a few days of being separated he keeps picking on her to the extreme that she has blood or scabs I would get a new male to try mating with her or a new female. which ever you can find.

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