Male or female Easter Egger

Mine are 7 weeks old and much smaller than that one, but have big red combs and are crowing. Will gladly trade you and let you know later! ;-)
Sometimes the patterning gives them away long before the comb or the crow. You have a late-blooming cockerel. The darker red on the wing and the arrangement of color, in general (patchy look) is masculine.
I will try and get more pics of her/ him.....only 9 weeks old...would they crow that crowing here yet..
My EE cockerel was crowing like a pro at 14 weeks. Not sure when he started first attempts because he didn't try it if I was around. He was much earlier to show his gender, though -- his comb started growing at four weeks.

My mom's mutt rooster, OTOH, was close to six months before he crowed. He was much slower to develop.
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Really? A Roo? It hardly has a comb...the lady that breeds said it was a female, but my boyfriend holding it isn't sure she's right! It's not showing any other signs either way...not being dominate or anything either....hmmm...but it's a lot bigger than our other girls!
He is an EE they hardly get a comb at all. They have pea combs wich are very small. I thunk u have a EE rooster. Trust me EEs become the prettiest boys ever!
See this EE rooster:

This is a EE hen:
Note the 2 pics are 2 different EEs:

Well I think u have a little rooster on ure hands. I hope u can keep him
Good Luck




Here are a few more pics of him.... And yes, I can keep him!
Thanks! I'm pretty excited to have him! Thought we had 8 females, BUT we have 3 speckled Sussex females...and I think one of the 3 is a boy looking like we have 2 roosters and 6 hens!!!

that is 100% cockerel should start crowing and showing other cockerel signs around 13+ weeks of age

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