Male or female Silkie? Please help 24 weeks old.


In the Brooder
Sep 1, 2015

Your splash looks just like my 6 month old cockerel, the streamers (mohawk) on the head are a dead giveaway, the lady who gave us our roo told us that our boy had never crowed (still doesn't) but he is definitely all boy. The black one looks more like a pullet but then again I'm new to silkies and my only experience is with my one roo. Hopefully she's a girl.
A side shot showing the entire body of the bird. This makes it easier to evaluate conformation, male hackle and sickle feathers. I made my gender 'guess' based on the large comb and wattles plus the small crest. The presence of masculine sickle and hackle feathers would help to confirm that guess.

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