Male quail but behind with the hormones maybe??


Jan 2, 2017
I have a pen of males all together now (no females!). At first I had two boys, Sunny and Tan together. They were hatched together. Sunny is white but started crowing at five weeks old so that confirmed he was male. Now at seven weeks he has a bulge behind his rear and plenty of foam not to mention he acts like a pretty dominant rooster! Quite territorial and makes angry chicken noises when picked up like he's arguing with you! But he gets on fine with Tan.
Tan is a golden but got very dark nutty brown breast area and has also crowed. He is very placid and quite a cuddly boy.
My other chicks are ten days younger so about five and a half weeks old now. Two are golden and developed the rusty male breast and have now shown the bulge and foam signs. I had three whites. Two I have separated as females as no crowing and no foam or bulge. One white male has the bulge and foam so joined the male pen.

So I now have five boys in the male only pen. The thing is... Tan keeps getting the others mating him! I feel sorry for him although it's not ALL the time and he isn't showing signs of distress or feather damage. He hasn't got a bulge nor any foam! But he is such a dark brown with no speckles not to mention has definitely crowed he iS male right?
Is he just a late developer with his hormones? Is this why he's so placid and a laid back guy? He will try to mount another quail if they are new! But do others think he's female because he isn't so charged up with hormones like they are??
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Is it possible the one who crowed was just mistaken as Tan? In button quail I have had males "mate" males (they just kinda stand on top sometimes other times do the WHOLE butt thing!) but never in cotournix which is what I assume yours are :)
No he's definitely crowed. When seperated from Sunny he has stood up tall and crowed looking for him.
If he's the most submissive then he will end up being on the bottom more often than not. I have Buttons as well as the Japanese and the Button males are perfect gentlemen compared to the (sex mad, lunatic) antics of the Japanese quail males!
:DHaHaHa yes they most definitely are sex mad lunatics that's for sure!!! Although I'm sure someone said that does calm down eventually lol

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