Malfunctioning nipples?


9 Years
Jul 13, 2010
I have nipple waterers set up at the bottom of two gallon pails and hung from the roof of my coops. The bantams seem to be just fine, but the buffs and my mutt run have chickens with poopy butt. I see them using the waterers, the mutt run seemingly excessively, and when I press on them they work. Any ideas as to what could be going on?
Trying to figure out what is the problem. Are they not getting enough water, are they leaking or are you having problems with pasty butt form the waterers? Are you treating the pasty butt? It has to be addressed. The poopy butt may be cocci. How old are they?
I am not sure from your description what problem you are actually having. Why do you think that the nipples are not working? Are your chickens dehydrated or is the problem the poopy butt? I want to help but need more info. Do you have a pic?
The chickens are all older, no one is below 3 years old. I'm concerned the waterers are not working very well, which is why they have poopy butt. I've had chickens get it from being dehydrated. Having thought about it, I'm wondering if I need a certain amount of pressure for the nipples to work effectively?
By keeping the bucket always as full as you can get it then the pressure increases at the nipple. Give it a try. Also, put a bowl of water out and see if they go at it like they are dying of thirst. I would also look at another reason causing the poopy butt in case it is not the water nipple problem. You may want to try giving them a probiotic like organic plain yogurt or Kefir.

Hope this helps.

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