Mama bird is over it.


11 Years
Jan 15, 2009
Northern Cali
Hi all,

First time hatching, I have an EE who went broody, I gave her some eggs. She hatched and has taken care of them for four weeks tomorrow. The chicks seven of them are living under a camper shell and get occasional yard outings. Tempatures here are highs 58 lows 44 and that looks to be the story for a while. Lots of rain. The chicks have lived out side 24/7 since the 2nd or 3rd day. They certainly are getting lots of regular feathers but are not all feathered out.

Mama bird is done being mama and really wants to return to the normal flock. She just started laying again yesterday. Today she brook out of the broody coop, through a screen and was trying to get into my normal coop. I got her back in the broody coop tonight as her and all the chicks were wet from the rain. Are the chicks gonna be ok at 4 weeks on there own? They are all healthy and happy thus far, I just don't want to torment mama bird and I really think she is done with the babies.

Baby chicks are precocial, capable of a high degree of independent activity from birth. That's why we can hatch & raise our own baby chicks. At 4 weeks, and especially after getting a good start with a Mama hen, your chicks will do just fine on their own. The broody hens I have will decide at their own rate just how long they wish to stay with their chicks, ranging from 4-8 weeks on average. Especially since your hen is laying again, it's obvious she is ready to return to her previously scheduled program. Let her go back to her flock & continue to give your chicks care & protection until they're grown.
Four week old chicks need more warmth than 58 degrees. You say they are getting wet in the rain and are not feathered out. Is their shelter sufficient? Is there a way you could put a heat lamp in there to warm it up? I think that wet chicks at 44-58 will have problems.
They are currently living under a dry camper shell, that gets moved every few days. They got all wet in the rain when they followed after mama bird during her escape. As for feathering I'm not really sure how feathered they are, I could get a pic in the morning. Not really sure if I could get them a heat lamp in their current set up.
If they have a dry place to go where there's no drafts they *should* be able to keep each other warm. Can you put some straw under there to give them an extra snug place to stay? Watch their behavior and if they seem too uncomfortable or distressed you can bring them in where you can put them in a box & keep a light on them.
My EE cut her brood loose at 4-weeks old too. They've been on their own for the last week and are doing fine. Lots of shelter when they want it, but they run around in the rain too. Most of them are fully feathered, but two aren't and they are doing good too--they just snuggle up with their hatch mates when they need some extra heat.
Well mama bird spent the night in my laying coop. The chicks spent the night on their own. All are alive and seem well, if a little nervous cause mom split. I did get them a little straw that they all but ignored.

As Murphy would have I'm leaving for a trip today! Hopefully everyone will be fine for their sitter.

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