Managing flock


11 Years
Nov 14, 2008
Sunday after church and finishing up some chores, I decided to do some flock managing. I locked up the dogs as usual and let the chicks out to free range in the 2 acre pasture. I also opened the gate and let them into my 30 x 100 ft garden. I then pulled up a chair, turned on the baseball game and grabbed some beers. It was a nice sunny but a little windy day.

Multi-tasking works for me. Not only was I able to study the chicks and enjoy myself, I was also able to day dream about the 25 peeps coming on Monday.

All was fine until the grandkids arrived. That ment putting the beer away, leavinng the confort of my chair and the ballgame and then playing with the kids. One thing about it, my study of the chicks continued as now the kids are becoming involved.


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