Mandarin duck


7 Years
Apr 18, 2014
Hello, my Mandarin ducks have been eyeballing The Nest going in and out
I put some fresh hay in their boxes and push it down. By doing that am I jeopardizing them too lay. I also had to move the few little wood ducks I have and they are pretty nervous a little ducks. I am getting conflicting information on where their boxes should be some say a up high and some say know that it should be on the ground with bushes and things. I cannot seem to find the answer so that one. I hope I will find your messages back but if not you can try me at NH Bradley @yahoo. Thank you
I have 4 wood ducks, 1 drake and 3 hens. I put a box up high for them, so they would have someplace warm for the winter, etc. It tooks months, but now they seem to use it. It's filled with straw. One of my hens started laying eggs, but not in the raised box. She layed her eggs in my chickens' nesting boxes. (My 4 wood ducks live with my hens.) I removed the WD eggs because I didn't want baby wood ducks. Anyhow, she went broody in the nesting boxes, created a beautiful little nest for herself, and sat there for a week or two. She finally gave up this week and is back hanging out with her WD buddies. I expect the 2 other hens may go broody sometime over the next month or two, so I'll keep checking for little eggs, even in the raised box.

Does this help?

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