Mandarin Duckling Development


8 Years
Jan 12, 2014
I was wondering how mandarin drakes look when they start to feather out? Do they just grow in those beautiful rainbow feathers right away or do the feathers come in brown like the females and then later they get their color? Ive been looking for pictures of mandarin duckling development but haven't found any...

I was wondering how mandarin drakes look when they start to feather out? Do they just grow in those beautiful rainbow feathers right away or do the feathers come in brown like the females and then later they get their color?  Ive been looking for pictures of mandarin duckling development but haven't found any... 


What happens is yes there first year the makes feather come out in those very pretty colors and usually after breeding season they go into a eclipse plumage and molt all the colored feathers and look like the female for a little while before getting there feathers back!
Here are two pictures I found of breeder drakes coloring up. Sorry that the pictures are not really good, but it will suffice I think.

Thanks so much for these! That's so cute and funny... Talk about that awkward teenage phase
I can try finding some pictures of juveniles and their first molt if you would like. The ones I put pictures up of are some of my breeders.
here's my drake and hen this is their first year.
Wow! So did they both feather out brown like the female and he's just now starting to get the colorful plumage?

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