Manna-Pro-my chickens don't like it


6 Years
Oct 12, 2017
High Desert, S. CA.
I feed a mixture of feed store mash, All Flock and Start and Grow, since two of my chicken are 8 weeks old. I found out, however, that no one likes the Manna-Pro crumbles AT ALL! Does anyone else find this to be true?
Well, who can blame them if it's the one I saw at wally? :sick

Honestly, no matter where I bought it I would return it if my animals won't eat it. ;)

I think you are doing too much mixing. :hmm Find something that works and stick with it if you can. Shopping around, I get Purina flock raiser 50# bag for $17. It feeds all my birds through their life stages as long as I provide oyster shell free choice on the side for layers. I NEVER switch to layer feed as I don't consider the 16% protein it contains adequate for my dual purpose breeds or when somebody is molting or juveniles growing. Those are ALL just confusing labels. Protein and calcium are the two MAIN differences.

Chickens are creatures of habit. So any change from routine COULD cause the same reaction. Most store owners will happily refund or exchange the product as will ALL feed companies that I know of if you aren't satisfied... and I would say that you aren't. :hmm

Good luck. :)
Only reason I am mixing feed was because I wasn't sure what to feed, considering I had different age chickens. When what I have runs out, I'll give them 20% Flock Raiser only. I've had the Manna Pro too long to return it (over a month). They only get a small amount of it anyway, and I only bought 5 lbs.
Feed will be loosing some vitamins after six weeks from the mill date, so I do try to feed it before that time.
I also keep the feed in it's original bag, in garbage cans, so if there's ever a problem, the manufacturer's information is still there.
Chickens do hate change, and having feed that's got good mill dates at the local feed store is important.

Chickens are little feathered children when it comes to changes in their vittles. Every thing being equal, taking your chickens back because they won't eat a certain brand of feed makes about as much sense as returning the feed because your chickens have become habituated to one chicken food or the other.
I never said anything about taking my chickens back! I'm not clear about what you meant to say in your post. Did you mean to say, taking the feed back makes as much sense as taking the chickens back? If so, you said it backward!

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